Descriptive Realities : Seo Hye Lee [PAST]

Sound Exhibition:

10 June 2022 Friday 5-8pm [Opening hours updated]

11 & 12 June Saturday & Sunday 2:30-6:30pm

Running time : 18 minutes 32 seconds. Free Entry

This piece of work is one of the 5 pieces that are selected from DIVFUSE Sound Archive No. 2 – an Open Call for work that are based on field recordings.

Descriptive Realities (2017) was made in collaboration with Call and Response Gallery and the deaf blind charity Sense. This sound work is inspired by the everyday sounds of domesticity and uses audio description to shed light on our diverse listening experience. Drawing on her own perception of sound, the piece plays with the mysterious, evocative and sometimes confusing world produced by our eyes and ears. Audio Describer Louise Fryer has created the description of sound based on what she hears and without being given prior context, creating another layer of narrative alongside the audio work. The listener can enjoy multiple layers of narrative by exploring the description of sound, while creating their own audio journey using imagination and listening.

Seo Hye Lee is a Somerset based South Korean artist working with sound, illustration, objects and accessibility to experiment with new forms of narrative, creating playful pieces that challenge the idea of listening. With a background in illustration, her multidisciplinary work takes inspiration from her hearing loss experience. Seo Hye aims to show the difference between hearing and listening; regardless of your hearing skill, one can always listen in a variety of ways. Her work and workshops have been presented physically and virtually in Wysing Arts Centre, Hove Museum & Art Gallery, Grundy Art Gallery, School of Art Institute Chicago, Tate Exchange, LCC, Call and Response Gallery and Vital Capacities. | Instagram : @seohyel 

Image by Seo Hye Lee