
Project DIVFUSE is primarily a not-for-profit artist-run platform. We are open to proposals all the time. There is a fee for using the space to help with rent and to cover the overheads so that we can keep the project going. The way it operates is that we will work together to manage and promote the events and activities.

In terms of capacity for workshops, talks and performances, we can cater for an audience of up to 8-9 people or 6 with tables and chairs. Due to our constraints, organisers might like to consider running the event in multiple sessions within a weekend.

The hiring fee, including use of equipment (speakers [4 x small Genelec 8020D], subwoofer [1 x Genelec 7040A], projector, projector screen, media player, tables and chairs), is generally £250 all-inclusive for one weekend without third-party funding and £400 a weekend with supported funding. One day’s event is typically £100 for 4 hours.

We can be flexible and try to accommodate each project and situation. To support the hiring fee, we can also help to arrange some ticketed talks or workshops to provide some assistance. Just email us if you want to discuss a proposal.

Typical arrangement of a weekend’s exhibition : Typical arrangement of a 4 hours hiring:
Friday 5:30-8pm Opening
Saturday & Sunday 2:30-6:30pm
+ Two and a half hours set-up and one hour take down
One and a half hour workshop/talk/performance
+ Two hours set-up
+ Half an hour clearing the space