Talk + Interactive Installation
Session One : 16 November 2024 Saturday 4pm [Cancelled]
Session Two : 16 November Saturday 5:30pm
£7 | 10 places per session | Please email for tickets

Cymagick is an interactive installation and participatory demonstration of cymatics – the study of vibratory phenomena and visualization of sound.
Participants will get to witness and participate in the mesmerising processes underlying sound-geometry, the creation of form, nature’s art, energy and life itself. Cymagick taps into the primordial creativity of the universe and never fails to expand our consciousness when witnessing and joining in on the creative wonder.
Mark Wagner will be ‘performing’ the cymatics machines using frequencies, voice and instruments (including chladni plates, water, non newtonian fluids, bubbles and more!) Participants will be able to watch and / or join in with their creativity and expression (voice and instruments.) Participants are welcome to bring instruments to try or use their voice or simply spectate!

Mark Wagner is a multi disciplinary artist and Mystic whose work delves in revealing the underlying mechanisms that connect the worlds seen and unseen, inner and outer, above and below. Wagner is also the founder of MKII a studio / venue space in Lower Clapton. | @mark_wagner_33 (IG)
Images from the artist